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Product Overview
BALI is an electronic banking application that facilitates the online initiation of corporate and correspondent banking transactions. With BALI, customers can now transfer money anywhere in the world and from or to any bank account in a secure and affordable way. In addition to the Cash Management module, BALI offers transaction initiation facilities for Trade Finance and Custodial Services.

Today, banks are pressured into offering comprehensive and complex financial products at the most competitive prices. The recent market collapse, deregulation and consolidation in the banking sector, globalization and the pervasiveness of the Internet, have joined to create a highly competitive environment, where only well-positioned institutions can survive. In addition to this, corporate customers now need to source for the lowest price and leverage quality of service, 24-hour accessibility and convenience in order to survive in their own sectors. Turning all these objectives into a tangible reality is no small feat. Empowered with BALI, this is all within reach.

BALI is one of the most comprehensive Internet transactional banking packages today. It enables the banks to meet the needs of even the most demanding clients. BALI is a single platform through which a panoply of other online value-added services can be offered to customers. With BALI, accessibility, convenience and quality of service are the key words. Customers can access multiple products via one single screen and easily initiate transactions, remit payments, check their statements and reports online and even ensure that proper authorization and administration controls are in place.

Key Features

• Single window, single sign-on capabilities to multiple financial products.

• Real-time transaction initiation, routing and reporting capabilities with online status updates.

• Custom-defined access rights enabling product subscription concept and multiple deployment model options.

• Powerful administration and maintenance modules with flexible authorization matrices that model real-life business practices.

• User Authentication with dynamic passwords and digital signature technologies.

• Effective control features, including audit trails, system security and maintenance reports.

• Multiple devices access (WAP technology).

• Multi-lingual, including Arabic, Chinese and Japanese.

BALI Transaction Desktop
(Click to Enlarge)


Time-to-market deployments with best-of-breed solutions.

Enables preservation of existing IT Investments - BALI layers on top of existing systems.

SWIFT compliant, integrated business rule validations within the system, leveraging in-depth understanding and knowledge of corporate and correspondent banking.

User-friendly and interactive with re-usable models, look-up features, drop-down menus, input validation rules and a familiar Windows-based client-server look and feel.

Smoother learning curve for both users and administrators at bank and customer sites.

Centralized administration and system maintenance with minimum downtime.

Scalability & Flexibility - BALI was designed to adapt to new and future business and technological needs, enabling ROI protection.

Experienced team of ex-bankers, developers and consultants from the banking sector.



BALI is a pure Java and XML breed, the current leading industry standards for internet-based applications. We are one of the earliest adopters of these technologies in our application including:

Technology Specifications

• J2EE Specifications.

• EJB Architecture Component.

• XML 1.0 System Architecture.

The architecture of the system consists of several layers, as we adopted a framework approach in the development of the system.


The primordial issue of security is addressed in our application at 2 levels, network and application levels, to ensure confidentiality, data integrity and non-repudiation.
Developed using J2EE standards, BALI inherits the security features of the specification ensuring that the application is accessed only by authorized personnel. In addition, BALI provides additional levels of security including:

• SSL for the connection between the Browser and Web Server.

• Advanced contact-less (physical token) security feature for authorization of transactions, including Digipass.

• Individual product subscription feature to control user access functionality.



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