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Product Overview

Trade Navigator
has a unique architecture and creative design that enable banks to achieve their goals of becoming the leader in Global Trade Transactions and Services. Trade Navigator takes advantage of advanced technologies to empower banks in delivering results of superior quality as well as greater accuracy and speed.

With its document-centric approach, Trade Navigator provides a solid foundation, fundamental to your trade finance operations. The traditional trade finance processes are mirrored in the system thus your processing needs, from workflow to correspondence generation, limit checking to settlement, are fully addressed. It embodies the depth, power and flexibility that an object-oriented enterprise solution can deliver and offers the widest possible deployment options from a single branch to capabilities for global delivery.

Trade Navigator is the right tool for your trade finance processing requirements and will empower you in minimizing processing times and costs and at the same time achieving superior customer service.


Key Features

• A true multi-bank, multi-branch system that enables centralization of trade finance processing.

• Parameter driven - externalization of all business rules, including Fees, Interest, Accounting, Correspondence and Workflow for the system set-up. Bank, branch, product and customer-specific business rules are inherent in the system.

• New products are easily added without requiring the involvement of the vendor.

• Powerful Settlement Engine - automatic generation of the related fees and accounting entries, with the additional features of splitting, waiving, adding and holding the fees as well as an option for changing fees to different currencies.

• Correspondence Generation Engine - all the required correspondences, ranging from SWIFT, ISOTELEX, TELEX, Word documents, as required by the bank, are designed and automatically generated for the relevant product and event.

• In-Built Workflow Engine - the workflow of a trade finance operations is replicated in the system where the transaction can be routed from one user to another seamlessly.

• Electronic Folder - the traditional paper-based folder is provided as an electronic folder, with a single view to the complete life cycle of a transaction and its sub-transactions.

• Integrated Risk Management Engine - setup of credit lines at the transaction, product and group levels and automatic credit line checking.

BALI Transaction Desktop
(Click to Enlarge)


• Provide a high-performance and scalable platform for trade finance processing.

• Minimize human errors with validation rules according to the UCP, ICC, and bank's rules, and through automatic generation of the relevant documents, accounting entries, etc.

• Improve efficiency and streamline processes and activities, including removal of redundant activities.

• Improve turnaround time.

• Parent-child concept with inheritance of set-up, simplifying the system administration with lower maintenance cost.

• Intuitive and interactive system, thus reducing the staff's learning curve for the trade business.

• Trade knowledge is ingrained in the system, therefore, increased productivity of the users.

• Framework approach where specific business requirements can be added as per the bank's requirements.

• Streamlining of trade finance operations.

• Mirroring the trade finance business requirements in the system.

• Enable Straight-through processing.

• Imaging solution integration.



Technology Specifications

• Pure Object Oriented Application developed using Delphi from Inprise.

• Microsoft's DCOM technology, which provides a highly secure communication standard.

• RDBMS supported include Oracle, Sybase and DB2.


Trade Navigator is a multi-tiered distributed application where different processes are handled by the respective application servers for enhanced performance. Such architecture eliminates bottlenecks and single points of failure. Trade Navigator is a pure object-oriented application, developed using Delphi.

We adopted a framework approach, with a core system and its common business objects. Adopting such an approach is a long and enduring task but the end-result involves significant benefits for the users. It ensures that technological and business changes are easily implemented in the system without affecting the core and impending the bank's operations.

Trade Navigator's multi-tiered architecture allows the bank to easily handle from small to large volume of transactions with only minimal investment, by deploying additional application servers to handle the increase in volume of transactions. This architecture ascertains the system's scalability to cater to the growth of the bank's business in the area of trade finance. Furthermore, the multi-tiered architecture offers the bank the capabilities for centralized processing, in a hub-and-spoke model.

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